Under 10 Lakh 2022 North Face House Plan With Front Elevation Design
Hi every one today we are going to explain about one of the most beautiful and simple 1200 square feet house plan with 3d front elevation design.
If you are new then please do watch this below video for the real house construction video of this house. Click the below link to watch the full video of this house plan
check out full view on this link provided here
30 by 40 north face 2 bedroom with sit out house plan map design.
The things which we are going to discuss in this video as the following below
Highlights of the key points of this house plans
- Plan details of the house
- wall size with window and door position
- cost of construction details
- time required for house construction
- different house designs
- front elevation design of the house
- Basement height with plinth beam details of the house
30 by 40 north face 2 bedroom with sit out house plan map design.
- This is one of the most simple and most beautiful and beautiful house plan about which we are going to discuss about the house plan as can see the plan details.
- There are three types of house plans about which we are going to discuss in this plan as described here. some important points to remembered here as discussed below.
- This plan is one of the most beautiful and simple house plan with 3d cut section of the house plan with 3 rooms and one extra offset area around the house.
As in the plan you can see the one of the most beautiful house plan with 2 bedroom hall with 1 sit out at the out side of the house and then it.
- Hall size taken as the size of 10 feet by 21 feet 3 inch which is at the east side of the house
- wall size for the hall taken as 9 inch and the inner wall size 4 inch brick size as provided here
- total cost of construction as 20 lakh rupees need for it
- parking size 16 feet by 9 inch by 8 feet with at the north east corner of the house
- space at the staircase side as 6 feet by 7 feet 9 inch
- main door side at the north face of the house with 7 feet by 5 feet wide
- sit out at the 9 feet by 9 inch at the north side of the house 7 feet wide.
- Kitchen at the south east side of the house with 10 feet by 9 inch with size of offset as 1 feet 6 inch
- All three side offset area provided at 1 feet 6 inch at the east west and south side of the house
- Bed room at the south west side of the house.
Parking size 16 feet by 9 inch by 8 feet width
The parking located at the north east corner of the house which is simple and beautiful design of house.
small guest room located at north side of the house with size of 9 feet 9 inch following design details.
Very beautiful guest room design of house
Such beautiful house with guest room provided at main entrance of the house with size as 9 by 7 feet
- size of room 9 feet by 9 inch by 7 feet wide and best position
- width of the road as 3 feet wide and 7 feet height
- Sofa can place at the corner of the house with L size shape
- a small opening provided with 3 feet by 7 feet height as provided
Now we will check out the beautiful house and other design details of the house
stair case design of house with size details provided as discussed
The stairs are provided at the north west corner of house with 20 stairs provided
this is stairs and below you can check out few other images which will provide few other details provided
Hall located east side the house and 4 feet wide window with size of 10 feet by 21 feet length
Kitchen bed room and bath room design details of the house
There are two rooms one is kitchen and the other is bed room with common bath room design details.
- Kitchen located at the south east corner of the house with 2 window provided and shelves at the
- attached bath room at the south side of house
- bed room 1 located at the south west corner of the house.
- with wall size as 9 inch and window size 4 feet by 4 feet wide provided
check out few other images which will be help full for house construction
Total cost of construction 12 to 18 lakh need for house construction design of house.
check out my videos of house which will be help full for house construction